Friday 9 December 2011

Fresh Friday!

Today I've been thinking about where I want to go with my freelance career.  Every time anyone asks me what I want to do I tend to say I don't know! So I had a think about what excites me and I've decided.... food!

I love to bake and read cookery books and watch cooking programs, and two of my favourite celebrities (not including Prof. Brian Cox of course) are chefs (Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall and Jamie Oliver in case you were wondering!).

Now I can't cook to save my life although I think I'm a pretty mean baker! So how else can I get into the food industry using my skills and talents.... (this is when the revelation kicks in)... Food Photography!

I'm not sure why I hadn't thought of it before but I'm going to do some experimenting and if I really enjoy it then I can start on a portfolio. Who knows I could end up working with Hugh or Jamie on their next cookbooks (well a girl can dream!). Luckily Tom (the boyfriend) is a great cook and this could be an excellent excuse to buy lots of fancy cutlery and bowls and such! Exciting times ahead I hope!

Oops I too seem to have written lots! Happy weekend! - Nic

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